Monday, March 11, 2013

Max, Helen & the Chan Choo Choo

They made it! And what fantastic visitors to have! They jumped on the tramp with the big kids, cuddled Arthur to bits and were very welcome spare hands with the bikes on the way to the farmers markets.
We ran into the Chans and while mamma Chan & Helen chatted the legs off the nearest olive oil stand (meanwhile Maxy and Ingrid's teacher Mrs G chatted happily) the chdren worked together to create a hoola hoop train. Beautiful.
A cup of fresh apple juice had to suffice as being a long weekend many stall holders took a break including the ice cream people.
The kids were very keen to show M & H the Gorge but Arthur was zonkered. So Arthur and I had 40 winks while the others tripped off for a dip & ice cream. Ahh bliss. Come again anytime please!!

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